Home / Bryce

Meet Bryce


Bryce is our goto for group training

Bringing experience and knowledge to the table there is nothing he hasn’t done. Born and bred in Newcastle, Bryce has had over 10 years experience in group training.
From training every day people, to top level athletes, Bryce can tailor any group session for you to enjoy without feeling left out. With years of programming knowledge, Bryce’s classes can target any goals that you have!


Former professional athlete


Knowledge in every training style


Cert 3 and 4 in personal training


10+ years of training and development


Experience in injury management

Start your 7 day trial today

Please get in touch with us via your preferred method – Email, phone, social media, DM, an in-person visit, a tin can telephone, smoke signals.

We do our best to reply as soon as possible (though we can’t guarantee an immediate response to the more imaginative contact methods).

132 Hannell Street, Wickham NSW 2293
Open 24/7