Home / Tim

Meet Tim


Tim is like a loveable Labrador (with an appetite to fit!).

He’s great at serving people of all ages and sizes and specialises in the kind of movement and flow training you can practise at home too.

Tim has a gentle approach and knack for reading people. He’ll know when you’re up for a challenge — and when you’re definitely not.


Diploma Personal Training


Expert In Post Natal Health


Womens Fitness & Weightloss


Athlete Training Sports


Performance Monitoring


10+ Years In The Fitness Industry

Start your 7 day trial today

Please get in touch with us via your preferred method – Email, phone, social media, DM, an in-person visit, a tin can telephone, smoke signals.

We do our best to reply as soon as possible (though we can’t guarantee an immediate response to the more imaginative contact methods).

132 Hannell Street, Wickham NSW 2293
Open 24/7